Thursday 3 November 2022

Peptic Ulcer: What do you Need to Know?

Peptic ulcers occur when open sores develop on the inner lining of your stomach and small intestine. When you are suffering from peptic ulcer disease, a bacterial infection corrodes the protective lining of the digestive system. In most cases, people who take pain relievers frequently are more likely to develop ulcers.

peptic ulcer disease

Types of peptic ulcers

Usually, peptic ulcers are of three types as listed below:

  1. Gastric ulcers: Ulcers that grow inside the stomach.
  2. Esophageal ulcers: Sores that develop inside the esophagus.
  3. Duodenal ulcers: Ulcers that form in the upper portion of the small intestines.

Causes of peptic ulcer

The major causes of peptic ulcers include:

  1. Pylori, is a kind of bacteria that leads to stomach inflammation.
  2. Frequent use of anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin.
  3. Consuming excessive alcohol
  4. Smoking
  5. Radiation therapy
  6. Stomach cancer

Symptoms of peptic ulcers

Those who suffer from peptic ulcer disease are likely to experience abdominal pain. This pain ranges from mild to severe and mostly extends from the navel to the chest. However, if the ulcer is small, it may not produce any signs. Some common signs of a peptic ulcer are listed below:

  1. Nausea
  2. Appetite changes
  3. Dark stools
  4. Indigestion
  5. Unintentional weight loss
  6. Vomiting

How are peptic ulcers detected?

Medical practitioners recommend certain tests to diagnose a peptic ulcer disease as listed below:

  1. Upper endoscopy: In this method, your doctor puts a long tube with a camera down your throat so that it reaches your stomach and small intestine. It helps the doctors to evaluate the area for ulcers. With this instrument, doctors can also separate the tissue samples for assessment. However, this procedure isn’t recommended for individuals with an increased risk of stomach cancer.
  2. Upper GI: If you face difficulties in swallowing and don’t have any chance of developing stomach cancer, your medical practitioner may suggest an upper GI test. For this process, you have to drink barium, and thereafter, a technician will take an X-ray of your esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. This liquid will make the ulcer viewable to the doctor.

Treatment of peptic ulcer

The therapy depends on the underlying cause of your peptic ulcer disease. If you have an H. Pylori infection, your doctor will prescribe several medications in the form of antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors for up to two weeks. These drugs will help to reduce stomach acid.

In some instances, you may experience little side effects like an upset stomach from antibiotic medications. If you experience significant discomfort or don’t come across any improvements, you should consult your doctor.

What happens if the peptic ulcer remains untreated?

If you leave the ulcers untreated, things will worsen over time. This will lead to more complex health conditions such as:

  1. Perforation
  2. Internal bleeding
  3. Scar tissue

If you have any of these three complications, you may require surgery. Under these circumstances, you should seek urgent medical attention.

A peptic ulcer is curable if detected in the early stages. If you suffer from peptic ulcer disease, you have to follow a strict diet chart. You should avoid spicy foods and dairy products as these food items will aggravate your problem. Medications are necessary for the treatment of ulcers, and if this approach doesn’t work out, connect with an experienced medical practitioner.

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