Thursday 2 March 2023

GERD – Some Important Facts About The Common Digestive Condition

Have you ever heard about the term GERD? GERD means gastro-esophageal reflux disease, which occurs due to consistent and repeated acid flow back in the esophagus. This is a tube that connects the mouth with the stomach. This flow of action is called acid reflux and it irritates the esophagus tube lining.


Acid reflux is a common issue and is often suffered by numerous people. But when this acid reflux becomes a repeated process, it leads to GERD. Both of these are highly related to the infamous h.pylori stomach bacteria. Although it does not have any direct effect, it increases the severity of esophageal inflammation.

So, how would one understand if they have GERD?



Symptoms of GERD


Signs and symptoms of GERD may sometimes overlap with other issues related to the digestive tract. But, most of the symptoms are solely GERD related.


  • Heartburn- It is a burning sensation that becomes worse at night, after eating, or when laying down.
  • Regurgitation/Backwash- Reversal flow of food or sour liquid
  • Chest pain or upper abdominal pain
  • Lump sensation in your throat


If you suffer from nighttime acid reflux, then you must be having signs like,


  • Persistent cough with extreme pressure (sometimes)
  • Laryngitis- Vocal cord inflammation
  • The onset of asthma or worsened asthmatic conditions


How would you know if you have to visit a doctor?


You should seek medical attention immediately if you are suffering from extreme chest pain and shortness of breath. Consider going to a doctor if you have arm or jaw pain, as all of these are signs of a heart attack.


You must confer with your doctor if you,


  • Suffer extreme and acute GERD symptoms
  • Take over-the-counter medications more than twice a week for indigestion or heartburn


Do you think H. pylori can cause GERD?


Well, H.pylori stomach bacteria can be considered as one of the indirect factors that contribute to the cause of GERD. There are some research studies, which suggest that H. pylori infection eradication in the site of peptic ulcer increases GERD signs and erosive esophagitis.


How common is GERD?


GERD or chronic acid reflux is an extremely common condition among people in the U.S. The illness and its symptoms affect a large number of people, approximately, 20% of the population in the United States.


Everyone of any age can have GERD, although some are predisposed to it. For example, beyond the age of 40, your odds of developing GERD, whether moderate or severe, increase.

You're also more prone to it if you're:


• Overweight or have obesity

• Pregnant

• Smoking or being exposed to second-hand smoke on a frequent basis

• Using drugs that may induce acid reflux


Hence, with its probabilities and the symptoms of GERD, you must be aware and not delay your treatment. For mild cases, your health specialists might suggest you consume a diet that is beneficial for your gut health. 


Moreover, if on diagnosis, you are being detected with h.pylori stomach bacteria, it increases the chances of the occurrence of GERD. Thus, medical and health consultants might prescribe you to have food supplements like Pylo-x. It is a food supplement that helps to manage the presence of bacteria and reduces its effect. To know more about the product, visit our website ( or contact us at 833.550.6660.