Wednesday 2 November 2022

7 Health Benefits of Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are found in fermented foods or supplements. Several research studies have highlighted the fact that the balance or imbalance of bacteria in your digestive system is directly linked to your overall health. Probiotics facilitate a healthy balance of H. Pylori stomach bacteria and have been known to provide extensive health benefits. The benefits come in the form of improved digestive health, better immune function, and weight loss. 


h.pylori stomach bacteria

So, let’s have a look at the health benefits of probiotics:

  1. Balance the gut-friendly bacteria in your digestive system: Probiotics contain “good” bacteria. These microorganisms provide a myriad of health benefits when consumed. Probiotics reinstate the natural balance of gut bacteria. An imbalance occurs when there is an excess of bad bacteria and not adequate good bacteria. It may happen due to illness, poor diet, increased use of antibiotics, etc.
  2. Treat diarrhea: Probiotics are mostly known for their ability to combat diarrhea or minimize its severity. Usually, diarrhea is a side effect of taking antibiotics. It arises because antibiotics can adversely impact the balance of bad and good bacteria in the gut. When you take a probiotic, it minimizes the risk of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by 44%. Moreover, taking probiotics on a regular basis can also treat other types of diarrhea not related to antibiotics. Probiotics also reduce the adverse impact of Pylori stomach bacteria in your body.
  3. Improve mental conditions: It won’t be an exaggeration to state that your gut health is directly related to mood and mental health. Multiple research studies have highlighted the fact that probiotics can improve mental health disorders like anxiety, autism, depression, memory, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  4. Keep your heart healthy: Probiotic supplements play a great hand in keeping your heart healthy by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. There are certain lactic-acid-producing bacteria that minimize cholesterol by breaking down bile in the gut. This way, probiotics prevent the bile from being reabsorbed in the gut and thereby, reduce the chances of higher cholesterol levels. Moreover, probiotics also help to lower your blood pressure.
  5. Minimize the severity of allergies and eczema: Some probiotic strains minimize the severity of eczema in infants and children. However, the connection between probiotics and reduced eczema is still weak and more research is needed in this field. Certain probiotics also reduce inflammatory responses in individuals who are lactose intolerant.
  6. Minimize symptoms of chronic digestive disorders: Inflammatory bowel disease is a common scenario in the US. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are also very prevalent among the masses. Probiotics like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains have improved symptoms in individuals with mild ulcerative colitis. They maintain a healthy balance of Pylori stomach bacteria and thereby, contribute to your overall gut health.
  7. Boost your immune system: Probiotics give more power to your immune system and prevent the growth of injurious gut bacteria. Some probiotics also enhance the production of natural antibodies in the body. Individuals who take probiotics are also less likely to suffer from respiratory infections.

If you want to take probiotics, you can get that from diverse foods and supplements. Fermented dairy products like milk drinks and yogurt contain live probiotic cultures. Pickled vegetables, miso, tempeh, kimchi, kefir, and soy products also contain lactic acid bacteria.

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