Saturday 8 October 2022

Do You Know the 5 Home Remedies for Gastritis?

When your stomach lining is inflamed due to consuming excess alcohol, overuse of painkillers, and H.pylori stomach bacteria, the condition is referred to as gastritis. The common symptoms of gastritis include vomiting, nausea, and a burning sensation in the abdomen. Those who suffer from gastritis have to avoid certain foods like coffee, milk, spicy and fried items, etc. In recent times, there is no shortage of gastritis treatment, but the key to good health lies in your diet. You can also manage gastritis at home if you follow these tips:

  1. Anti-inflammatory diet: When you are suffering from gastritis, you have to consume foods that minimize inflammation. At the same time, you should avoid food items that irritate your stomach lining. It’s advisable to keep a food journal as trigger foods vary from person to person. Given below are some of the foods that are inflammatory in nature and harm your stomach lining:
  • Foods with increased gluten content
  • Dairy and acidic foods
  • Preserved and heavily processed foods
  • Foods high in sugar
  1. Garlic extract: A research study highlights that 50% of the world’s population have H.pylori bacteria in their stomach. This bacteria strain is the main culprit behind gastritis. If you want to get rid of pylori stomach bacteria, it’s recommended to consume garlic extract. Garlic extract kills H.pylori while freeing your stomach from complications.
  2. Probiotics: Probiotics play a significant hand in improving your digestion. It also facilitates regular bowel movements. If you are suffering from gut problems, taking a probiotic supplement will be beneficial. It will inject good bacteria into your digestive tract that prevents the spread of H.pylori and heals your gut. Fermented foods like kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut are good sources of probiotics.
  3. Green tea with manuka honey: Those who suffer from gastritis can be hugely benefited from drinking green tea with manuka honey. Also, drinking warm water will soothe your digestive tract and make digestion simpler on your stomach. Manuka honey comprises antibacterial properties that prevent the spread of pylori stomach bacteria.
  4. Essential oils: When there is H.pylori overgrowth, certain oils have proved to be effective. According to research, lemon verbena and lemongrass oils have a positive impact on resistance to pylori stomach bacteria. However, oils that aren’t approved for human consumption shouldn’t be tested.
  5. Have smaller meals: What you eat can be the determining factor in triggering gastritis, but it’s not the only one. How you eat also has a substantial role to play. For gastritis patients, it’s important to make the digestive process simpler for your stomach and intestines. Consuming big meals will put stress on your digestive system. In that case, your digestive system will find it harder to break that food into energy and waste. It’s the reason why eating smaller meals throughout the day reduces the symptoms of gastritis.

When you are a patient, you have to find the root cause of gastritis. This will help you cure the problem. If left untreated gastritis can aggravate upon eating rich foods and excessive drinking. Gastritis can be chronic and a precursor to serious medical complications. You should consult a doctor if home remedies don’t make sense.

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